Planned Giving
Planned Giving supports our vital church's programs and missions well into the future.
Our Funds
THE CHURCH VITALITY FUND: An unrestricted fund to provide important assistance in meeting the current and future needs of our church and its many missions.
THE SCHOLARSHIP FUND: A restricted fund to provide scholarships up to $2,000 per person per year for people involved in our church.
THE SPECIAL MUSIC FUND: A restricted fund to purchase music supplies and provide guest musicians during worship services.
The Church Vitality Fund is our only unrestricted fund and it provides flexibility in meeting the ever changing needs of the church in order to provide:
Spiritual guidance and leadership through exceptional preaching and pastoral ministry
Superb administration of our vital church activities
Splendid music ministry
Preservation of our historic church and its buildings
Enhance our many missions, both locally, nationally and internationally
Here are some ways you can make a gift to your church now or in the future. Gifts can offer Income and Estate Tax advantages.
Outright gift: The simplest gift is an outright gift, which can be made at any time. You reduce both your income tax and estate tax and you have the joy of seeing the effect of your gift to the church.
Gift of an Appreciated Asset: If you give stock or another asset that has appreciated in value, the church can sell the gift and realize the current value, pay no taxes and you will receive the full value for a tax deduction and pay no capital gains taxes. This gift can also be made at any time.
Bequest through a Will or Trust: Your bequest would be completely deductible for estate tax purposes and may substantially reduce your estate taxes.
Charitable Gift Annuity:Your gift is invested for you, and, in return you receive an annual income. You receive a charitable deduction on your income tax and the gift is removed from your estate. At the end of your life the principal will go to the church.
Charitable Remainder Trust: A charitable remainder trust is an individually structured trust that makes payments to you and/or others for your lifetime(s) or a term of years (maximum of 20). At the end of the trust term, the remaining assets are distributed to the church.
Life Insurance Beneficiary: If you make The Federated Church of Orleans the beneficiary of a life insurance policy, upon your death the church will receive the life insurance proceeds and your estate earns a charitable deduction.
Retirement Plan Beneficiary: If you name The Federated Church of Orleans the beneficiary of an IRA or other retirement plan, designated assets will pass directly to the church completely free of estate tax and income tax.

Distributions and management of the above funds are made at the discretion of specific committees (or as designated by you).
If you have questions or need further information please contact the Church office - 508-255-3060. They will put you in touch with the person who can help you or make appointments to meet with you and your legal and/or financial advisor.