Senseless - Monday Musing, May 30, 2022
When will something be done about the senseless, sickening reality of America’s gun violence epidemic?...

Teamwork - Monday Musing, May 23, 2022
You may think you are a better helmsman, but if you are supposed to be rowing (and are not), then the raft will have a difficult time...

Comfort - Monday Musing, May 16, 2022
Through our ministry of presence, prayers, advocacy, and financial gifts, we are serving as the hands and feet of the living God…

Milestone - Monday Musing, May 9, 2022
We achieve milestones because we are attentive to the world around us and work to accomplish goals where God places us...

Sacrament - Monday Musing, May 2, 2022
The celebration of communion triggers our memory, and it is necessary for us to share that outward, visible sign of God's grace...