Wrench - Monday Musing, January 31, 2022
The expression, “Throw a wrench into the works,” is defined as causing problems that prevent something from happening...

Reredos - Monday Musing, January 24, 2022
Most reredoses are fancy, decorative screens displaying religious images. Ours is a mostly hidden piece of furniture…

Beloved Community - Monday Musing, January 17, 2022
Beloved Community is an ideology of action where people of faith, and those committed to social justice, can work together toward...

Kintsugi - Monday Musing, January 10, 2022
Kintsugi. I have been thinking about kintsugi this past week as I reflected on the anniversary of the events at the US Capital...

Prediction - Monday Musing, January 3, 2022
Prediction - to forecast. Is the making of 2022 predictions based on actual analysis or simply speculation (aka guessing)? ...