
Music - is most likely the FIRST aspect mentioned in any conversation about worship. Psalm 22:3 declares, "The Lord inhabits the praise of His people." And that word "praise" almost unanimously equates to MUSIC! Worship at the Federated Church provides two distinct opportunities for musical experience: (1) that of the audience, and (2) that of the participant or performer. Congregational singing is the happy marriage of BOTH aspects into truly glorious moments in worship!
Every worship experience will involve special moments of congregational singing. The repertoire is broad and includes many styles of expression. The "Chalice Hymnal" is available to worshipers and provides a wide assortment of ancient, traditional and contemporary texts and musical styles. Familiarity with this resource is fostered in a variety of creative means throughout the worship year.
To further utilize and encourage specific musical gifts available in the membership, our Minister of Music, Glenn Starner-Tate, seeks to bring voices together in performing ensembles and choirs, provide opportunities for development and presentation of both vocal and instrumental solos and combos, including piano and organ. The Chancel Choir and Handbell Choir are the two standing organizations that currently rehearse and perform regularly.
Chancel Choir - The Chancel Choir performs its way through three seasons each year: Fall/Holiday: September to December; New Year/Easter: January to April; and Spring/Summer: April to June 30. A Choir Jam Fest is held the Wednesday before each season begins to encourage new and returning singers to commit to the program planned for that season.
The Chancel Choir rehearses on Wednesdays from 4:00-6:00 p.m. and on Sundays from 9:00 to 9:30 a.m. prior to Sunday Worship.
If you are interested in joining our choir, we'd love to have you. Contact Glenn at music@fedchurchorleans.org.
For upcoming musical events, see our News page.
The Nauset Ringers, our Handbell Choir - We own 5 octaves of Schulmerich handbells. However, we basically ring 3 octaves of bells with 9 ringers. We rehearse each week on Monday from 6:00-8:00 to prepare selections for worship. The ensemble rings once a month for the Sunday worship service. In addition to our preparation for worship, we ring for the December Christmas concert, at the Cape Cod Spring Ring with 106 ringers and also perform at convalescent homes in the area. If you love music, we welcome new members.

Nauset Ringers Handbell Choir at Fed Church Orleans 1-21-18

Nauset Ringers - Nov 17, 2019 - Creation’s Dawn A Prairie Hymn

Nauset Ringers - Nov 17, 2019 - Ocean
'Christmas Time Is Here!' featuring performances by Glenn Starner-Tate (piano and vocals), Thom Dutton (Celtic Harp, handbells, and vocals), Diane Caliri (flute), Susan Saposnik (piano), Julia Ariola, Violin; Lisa Gross, Cello; Anita Mewherter, Poet; The Nauset Ringers Handbell Choir, and Not Your Average Community Chorus. Recorded during the concert, December 13, 2019. Youtube link.
'Christmas in Your Heart, a Musicale' featuring performances by Glenn Starner-Tate (piano and vocals), Thom Dutton (Celtic Harp, handbells, and vocals), Peggy Gerber (flute), Susan Saposnik (piano), The Nauset Ringers Handbell Choir, and The Federated Church Chancel Choir. Recorded during the concert, December 14, 2017.